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HOME > PHP > PHP Forum > ช่วยดูอันนี้ให้หน่อยอะครับ พอดีผมต้องการติดต่อกับ Registry อันนี้อะครับ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AUDITION


ช่วยดูอันนี้ให้หน่อยอะครับ พอดีผมต้องการติดต่อกับ Registry อันนี้อะครับ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AUDITION


Topic : 018399


พอดีผมต้องการติดต่อกับ Registry อันนี้อะครับ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AUDITION

( File : phpreg.php )
* PHPregistry class usage examples.
* - Example usage 1 - general usage
* <code>
* <?php
* include('phpreg.php');
* $foo = new phpreg;
* $foo->open("");
* $foo->define_keys();
* ...
* ?>
* </code>
* - Example usage 2 - phpreg editor
* <code>
* <?php
* include('phpregedit.php');
* $foo = new phpregedit;
* $foo->editor();
* ?>
* </code>
* - Example usage 3 - advanced
* <code>
* <?php
* $foo->set_key('PATH/TO/KEY','foo_bar');
* $foo->set_key('PATH/TO/FOO/MOREFOO','haha');
* $foo->set_key('PATH/TO/FOO/YAFOO','bar');
* // The function bellow would remove
* // the last two keys set above
* $foo->remove_key('PATH/TO/FOO');
* // If you do not have any compression
* // available on your server, or you do not wish to use it.
* // change the $compression property or call
* // open() and save() with '' as the seconf option:
* $foo->save("",'');
* ?>
* </code>

//---------------------- phpreg.php ----------------------

* Class alows you to build up a registry for global or
* per application use, keys are defined as constants
* @author Richard Standbrook <[email protected]>
* @version 0.1.3
* @license GPL -
class phpreg {

* @var string File compression stream
* @access private
var $compression = 'compress.zlib://';

* @var string version number
* @access private
var $version = '0.1.3';

* @var string Regex pattern for a valid key
* @access private
var $valid_key_pattern = '/^([^\/][a-zA-Z0-9]*[\/]?)*[^\/]$/';

* @var array Holder for the phpreg array
* @access private
var $phpreg = array();

* Serializes $phpreg and saves to file
* @param string Name of file to save to
* @param string optionaly add a custom compression stream
* (must be opened with same compression stream as it was saved)
* use save($filename, ''); for no compression
* @return boolean true on success, false on failure
* @access private
function save( $filename, $compression = null ) {

//add compresion stream
$file = $compression || $compression === '' ? $compression : $this->compression;
$file.= $filename;

if( @$fh = fopen($file,"w") ) {

$phpreg = serialize($this->phpreg);

return true;

die('cannot save to file `'.$filename.'`');
return false;

* Opens and unserializes $phpreg
* @param string Name of file to open
* @param string optionaly add a custom compression stream
* (must be opened with same compression stream as it was saved)
* use open($filename, ''); for no compression
* @return boolean true on success, false on failure
* @access private
function open( $filename, $compression = null ) {

//add compresion stream
$file = $compression || $compression === '' ? $compression : $this->compression;
$file.= $filename;

if( @$fh = fopen($file,"r") ) {

$content = fread($fh,filesize($filename)*100);
$this->phpreg = unserialize($content);

return true;


if( @$fh = fopen($file,"w") ) {



die('cannot find/create file `'.$filename.'`. Please check path exists. <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">back</a>');
return false;

* Replace path seperators `/` for eval'ing
* @access private
function convert_key_path( $key ) {

// strip slashes from the start
$pattern = "/^(\/)*/";
$replace = "";
$key = preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$key);

// strip slashes from the end
$pattern = "/(\/)*$/";
$replace = "";
$key = preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$key);

$pattern = "/\//";
$replace = "']['";
$key = preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$key);

return $key;

* Set a key to the phpreg, either add new or change exsiting
* @param string name of key
* @param string optional value, no value with extend the current key
* @access public
function set_key( $key, $value = null ) {

if( !preg_match($this->valid_key_pattern,$key) )
{ return false; }

$phpreg = &$this->phpreg;
$value = gettype($value) == "string" ? '"'.$value.'"' : "Array()";
$key = $this->convert_key_path($key);

$eval = '$phpreg[\''.$key.'\'] = '.$value.';';
if(eval($eval)) { return true; }else{ return false; }

* Remove a key to the phpreg
* @param string name of key
* @access public
function remove_key( $key ) {

if( !preg_match($this->valid_key_pattern,$key) )
{ return false; }

$phpreg = &$this->phpreg;
$key = $this->convert_key_path($key);

$eval = 'unset( $phpreg[\''.$key.'\'] );';
if(eval($eval)) { return true; }else{ return false; }

* Define all keys as constants
* @param string name of key to start spidering definitions
* @access public
function define_keys( $offset_key = null ) {

$phpreg = $this->phpreg;

if($offset_key) {

$offset = $this->convert_key_path($offset_key);
$eval = '$phpreg = $phpreg[\''.$offset.'\'];';

foreach( $phpreg as $key => $value ) {

switch ( gettype($value) ) {

case 'array':

$next_offset = $offset_key.'/'.$key;
$pattern = "/^(\/)*/";
$replace = "";
$next_offset = preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$next_offset);



$key = $offset_key.'/'.$key;
$key = trim($key,'/');
$eval = "define('".$key."','".$value."');";

//-------------------- phpregedit.php --------------------


* Editor class provides a GUI interface to create,
* and manage phpregistry files.
* @author Richard Standbrook <[email protected]>
* @version 0.1
class phpregedit extends phpreg {

* @var string Current key
* @access private
var $current_key;

* Handles actions to display, update, add, remove and save phpregistry
* @access public
function editor() {


//if a valid path is specified in the querystring
if( !@$this->change_current_key($_GET['key']) )
{ $this->change_current_key(''); }

$output = "<!DOCTYPE html\n";
$output .= "PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n";
$output .= "\"\">\n\n";

$output .= "<html>\n";

$output .= " <head>\n";
$output .= " <title>phpregistry editor</title>\n";

$output .= "<style>\n";
$output .= " a {color: #222222;text-decoration: underline;}\n";
$output .= " a:hover {text-decoration: none;}\n";
$output .= " .pr_main,input {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 11px;}\n";
$output .= " .pr_key_links {background-color: #E4EEDB; padding: 5px;}\n";
$output .= " .pr_main {width:500px;}\n";
$output .= " .pr_path {background-color: #EDEBDC; padding: 2px; font-weight:bold;}\n";
$output .= " .pr_value {background-color: #F4F3EC; padding: 2px;}\n";
$output .= " .pr_set_frm {padding:10px;background:#BCD6DA;}";
$output .= " .pr_set_frm_title {color:#ffffff;padding:5px;background:#619EA7;font-weight:bold;}";
$output .= " .pr_options {padding:5px;background:#BCD6DA;}";
$output .= " .pr_filename {padding:3px;font-size:10pt;font-weight:bold;text-align:right;}";
$output .= " .pr_filename input {padding:3px;font-weight:normal;}";
$output .= " .pr_open_frm {padding:10px;background:#BCD6DA;}";
$output .= " .pr_open_frm_title {color:#ffffff;padding:5px;background:#619EA7;font-weight:bold;}";
$output .= "</style>\n";

$output .= " </head>\n";

$output .= "<body>\n\n";
$output .= "<table class=\"pr_main\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n\n";

//Close file
if( @$_POST['action'] == 'close' )
$_SESSION['regfile'] = null;

//Open a file to the session
if(!@$_SESSION['regfile']) {
$output .= $this->openform();
$hide_content = true;

switch (@$_POST['action']) {

//Add / update key and value
case 'set key':

$key = $this->current_key ? $this->current_key.'/'.$_POST['key'] : $_POST['key'];

if(@$_POST['mkdir'] != 'true')
$value = $_POST['value'];


$value = null;


//Update the value of multiple existing keys
case 'update keys':

foreach( $_POST['update'] as $key => $value )
{ $this->set_key($key,$value);}

//Remove multiple existing keys
case 'delete selected':

foreach( $_POST['delete'] as $key => $foo )
{ $this->remove_key($key); }


//Unless we have specified to hide the content, add it here
if(!@$hide_content) {

$output .= $this->content();

$output .= "\n</table>";
$output .= "\n\n</body>";
$output .= "\n\n</html>";

//echo output to screen
echo $output;

* returns a html set of breadcrum links for the current path
* @access private
function key_path_links() {

$links_array = explode('/',$this->current_key);

$kp = "<a href='?root'>root</a>";

{return $kp;}

foreach($links_array as $c => $key) {

$kp_count = 0;
$kp_key = '';

while($kp_count != $c) {

$kp_key .= $links_array[$kp_count]."/";

$kp .= " / <a href='?key=".$kp_key.$key."'>".$key."</a>";

return $kp.' :';

* Handles opening a phpreg file
* @access private
function openform() {

if( @$_POST['filename'] ) {

$_SESSION['regfile'] = $_POST['filename'];
return $this->content();

$open_form = "<tr>\n <td class=\"pr_open_frm_title\">";
$open_form.= "Open / create php registry file";
$open_form.= " </td>\n</tr>\n";

$open_form.= "<form name=\"open\" method=\"post\" action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">\n";
$open_form.= "<tr>\n <td class=\"pr_open_frm\">\n";
$open_form.= " <input type=\"text\" name=\"filename\" id=\"filename\" size=\"50\" />\n";
$open_form.= " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" id=\"action\" value=\"open/create\" />\n";
$open_form.= " </td>\n</tr>\n";
$open_form.= "</form>\n";

$open_form.= "<tr>\n <td class=\"pr_open_frm\">";
$open_form.= "<b>OPEN A FILE</b><br />";
$open_form.= "&bull; Type the path and name of your file<br />";
$open_form.= "&bull; Click `open/create`<br />";
$open_form.= "<br /><b>CREATE A FILE</b><br />";
$open_form.= "&bull; Type the path and name for the file to be saved as<br />";
$open_form.= "&bull; Click `open/create`<br />";
$open_form.= "&bull; <b>Note: The directory structure must already exsist</b><br />";
$open_form.= " </td>\n</tr>\n";

$open_form.= "<tr>\n <td class=\"pr_open_frm_title\">";
$open_form.= "Version ".$this->version." | <a href=\"\">richard standbrook</a>";
$open_form.= " </td>\n</tr>\n";

return $open_form;

* Handles setting keys and values in a phpreg file
* @access private
function setform() {

$set_form = "<tr>\n <td class=\"pr_set_frm_title\" colspan=\"3\">";
$set_form.= "Set new key and value";
$set_form.= " </td>\n</tr>\n";

$set_form.= "<form name=\"set\" method=\"post\">\n";
$set_form.= "<tr>\n <td class=\"pr_set_frm\" colspan=\"3\">\n";
$set_form.= " <input type=\"text\" name=\"key\" id=\"key\" />\n";
$set_form.= " <input type=\"text\" name=\"value\" id=\"value\" />\n";
$set_form.= " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" id=\"action\" value=\"set key\" />\n";
$set_form.= " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mkdir\" id=\"mkdir\" value=\"true\" /> Extend key\n";
$set_form.= " </td>\n</tr>\n";
$set_form.= "</form>\n";

return $set_form;

* Change the current key path
* @param string name of key
* @access private
function change_current_key ( $key ) {

if( !preg_match($this->valid_key_pattern,$key) )
{ return false; }

$this->current_key = $key;

* Outputs key settings and handles actions to update, add, remove and save
* @param string name of key to start spidering definitions
* @access private
function content() {

$phpreg = $this->phpreg;
$paths = '';
$keys = '';

//offset array on current_key if set
if( $this->current_key ) {

$offset = $this->convert_key_path($this->current_key);
$eval = '$phpreg = $phpreg[\''.$offset.'\'];';

if($phpreg) {

//alpha. sort keys
@ksort ($phpreg);

foreach( $phpreg as $key => $value ) {

$next_key = $this->current_key ? $this->current_key.'/'.$key : $key;

switch ( gettype($value) ) {

case 'array':

$paths .= "<tr>\n";
$paths .= " <td class=\"pr_path\" width=\"20\">\n";
$paths .= " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[".$next_key."]\" id=\"delete[".$next_key."]\" value=\"delete[".$next_key."]\"/>\n </td>\n";
$paths .= " <td class=\"pr_path\" colspan=\"2\">";
$paths .= "<a href='?key=".$next_key."'>".$key."</a>";
$paths .= "</td>\n</tr>\n\n";


$keys .= "<tr>\n";
$keys .= " <td class=\"pr_value\" width=\"20\">\n";
$keys .= " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[".$next_key."]\" id=\"delete[".$next_key."]\" value=\"delete[".$next_key."]\"/>\n </td>\n";
$keys .= " <td class=\"pr_value\">";
$keys .= $key;
$keys .= "</td>\n <td class=\"pr_value\" width=\"50%\">\n";
$keys .= " <input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"update[".$next_key."]\" id=\"update[".$next_key."]\" value=\"".$value."\" />";
$keys .= "\n </td>\n</tr>\n\n";

$output = "<form name=\"phpreg\" method=\"post\">\n";
$output .= "<tr>\n <td class=\"pr_filename\" colspan=\"3\">\n ";
$output .= $_SESSION['regfile']." &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" id=\"action\" value=\"close\" /> ";
$output .= "\n </td>\n</tr>";
$output .= "</form>\n";

$output .= $this->setform();

$output .= "<form name=\"phpreg\" method=\"post\">\n";

$output .= "<tr>\n <td class=\"pr_key_links\" colspan=\"3\">\n ";
$output .= $this->key_path_links();
$output .= "\n </td>\n</tr>";

$output .= $paths.$keys;

$output .= "<tr>\n";
$output .= " <td colspan=\"3\">\n";

$output .= " <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n";
$output .= " <tr>\n";
$output .= " <td class=\"pr_options\" colspan=\"2\">\n";

$output .= " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" id=\"action\" value=\"delete selected\" />";
$output .= " </td>\n";
$output .= " <td class=\"pr_options\" align=\"right\">\n";
$output .= " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" id=\"action\" value=\"update keys\" />";

$output .= " </td>\n";
$output .= " </td>\n</tr>\n\n";
$output .= " </table>\n";

$output .= " </td>\n";
$output .= " </td>\n</tr>\n\n";

$output .= "\n</form>";

//return content
return $output;


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Date : 16 ก.พ. 2551 21:17:53 By : anusor1347




Re : ช่วยดูอันนี้ให้หน่อยอะครับ พอดีผมต้องการติดต่อกับ Registry อันนี้อะครับ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AUDITION
ตัวหนา ตัวเอียง ตัวขีดเส้นใต้ ตัวมีขีดกลาง| ตัวเรืองแสง ตัวมีเงา ตัวอักษรวิ่ง| จัดย่อหน้าอิสระ จัดย่อหน้าชิดซ้าย จัดย่อหน้ากึ่งกลาง จัดย่อหน้าชิดขวา| เส้นขวาง| ขนาดตัวอักษร แบบตัวอักษร
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