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HOME > ASP > ASP Forum > ขอ code asp แสดงข้อมูลเฉพาะของคนที่ login เข้ามาเท่านั้น


ขอ code asp แสดงข้อมูลเฉพาะของคนที่ login เข้ามาเท่านั้น


Topic : 009170


อยากได้ code ตัวอย่างการแสดงข้อมูล ( database คือ MS sql server) โดยอยากให้แค่โชว์ข้อมูลเฉพาะข้อมูลตาม username และ password ของคนนั้นๆเท่านั้น ไม่ได้โชว์ทั้งหมดจากฐานข้อมูล

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Date : 19 ก.ค. 2549 22:44:20 By : ann View : 3046 Reply : 6


No. 1


ทำ login ใช่ป่าวคะ ก็ให้เรานำค่าที่ได้รับจากที่ user กรอก แล้วนำไปเปรียบเทียบในฐานข้อมูล ว่าตรงกับ user คนไหนจากน้น ก็ทำการ response.write ข้อมูลออกมาตาม form ที่เราจะใส่ค่าแค่นั้นเองค่ะ

Date : 20 ก.ค. 2549 11:12:50 By : por


No. 2


database จะต้อมี ฟิล ที่เป็น เลเวลของ user เวลาจะดึงข้อมูลมาแสดง จะต้องตรวจสอบกับ เลเวล ว่าสามารถดูได้แค่ไหน ส่วน code นั้นต้องออกแบบเองนะครับ ไม่ยากเท่าไหร่หรอก สู้ๆ
Date : 20 ก.ค. 2549 15:25:57 By : **


No. 3


แอนอยากให้มันโชว์แค่ข้อมูลของคนที่ login เข้ามาเท่านั้นง่ะ แอนไม่มีความรู้เรื่องนี้เท่าร รบกวนช่วยบอก code ได้มั้ย
Date : 22 ก.ค. 2549 11:53:09 By : แอน


No. 4


Date : 24 ก.ค. 2549 13:41:05 By : สมยา


No. 5


โทษทีไม่ได้มาตอบ สอบอยู่เลยไม่ว่าง แอนเอา code Maxwebportal มาแก้นะ
นี่ code นะ

on error resume next
Session.LCID = 1033
Response.Buffer = true

dim strDBType, strConnString, strTablePrefix, strMemberTablePrefix '## Do Not Edit

'## SELECT YOUR DATABASE TYPE AND CONNECTION TYPE (access, sqlserver or mysql)
'strDBType = "sqlserver"
strDBType = "access"
'strDBType = "mysql"

'## Make sure to uncomment one of the strConnString lines!
'strConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=c:\inetpub\dbroot\db2000.mdb" '## MS Access 97
strConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("database/db2000.mdb") '## MS Access 2000 using virtual path
'strConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Inetpub\database\db2000.mdb" '## MS Access 2000
'strConnString = "driver={SQL Server};server=SERVER_NAME;uid=SQL_USER;pwd=PASSWORD;database=DATABASE_NAME" '## MS SQL Server 7
'strConnString = "driver=MySQL;server=SERVER_NAME;uid=MYSQL_USER;pwd=PARRWORD;database=DATABASE_NAME" '## MySQL

'strWebMaster should always end with a comma
strWebMaster = "admin,"
strShowImagePoweredBy = "0"
'## Do Not Edit Below This Line - It could destroy your database and lose data
strTablePrefix = "PORTAL_"
strMemberTablePrefix = "PORTAL_"

dim strSiteTitle, strCopyright, strTitleImage, strHomeURL, strForumURL, strCookieURL, strWebMaster, strWebSiteVersion
dim strAuthType, strSetCookieToForum, strForumStatus
dim strEmail, strUniqueEmail, strMailMode, strMailServer, strSender
dim strDateType, strTimeAdjust, strTimeType, strForumTimeAdjust, strForumDateAdjust
dim strMoveTopicMode, strIPLogging, strPrivateForums, strShowModerators, strShowRank, strAllowForumCode, strAllowHTML
dim strNoCookies, strEditedByDate
dim intHotTopicNum, strHotTopic
dim strIMGInPosts, strEmailVal
dim strHomepage, strICQ, strAIM, strInForumAdmin, strSecureAdmin, strIcons, strGfxButtons
dim strBadWordFilter, strBadWords
dim strDefaultFontFace, strDefaultFontSize, strHeaderFontSize, strFooterFontSize
dim strPageBGColor, strDefaultFontColor
dim strLinkColor, strLinkTextDecoration, strVisitedLinkColor, strVisitedTextDecoration, strActiveLinkColor, strHoverFontColor, strHoverTextDecoration
dim strHeadCellColor, strAltHeadCellColor, strHeadFontColor, strCategoryCellColor, strCategoryFontColor
dim strForumFirstCellColor, strForumCellColor, strAltForumCellColor, strForumFontColor, strForumLinkColor
dim strTableBorderColor, strPopUpTableColor, strPopUpBorderColor, strNewFontColor, strTopicWidthLeft, strTopicNoWrapLeft, strTopicWidthRight, strTopicNoWrapRight
dim strRankColor1, strRankColor2, strRankColor3
dim strRankLevel0, strRankLevel1, strRankLevel2, strRankLevel3, strRankLevel4, strRankLevel5
dim intRankLevel0, intRankLevel1, intRankLevel2, intRankLevel3, intRankLevel4, intRankLevel5
dim strShowStatistics, strLogonForMail, strShowPaging, strShowTopicNav, strPageSize, strPageNumberSize
dim strNTGroupsSTR, strPollCreate, strFeaturedPoll
dim strNewReg, pEnPrefix
dim strJokeOfTheWeek, strQuickReply
dim strFloodCheck, strFloodCheckTime, strTimeLimit

sysDebugMode = "0"

strCookieURL = Left(Request.ServerVariables("Path_Info"), InstrRev(Request.ServerVariables("Path_Info"), "/"))
strUniqueID = "MWP"
pEnPrefix = ""
strWebMaster = lcase(strWebMaster)
if Application(strCookieURL & "ConfigLoaded")= "" or IsNull(Application(strCookieURL & "ConfigLoaded")) or blnSetup="Y" then

'## if the configvariables aren't loaded into the Application object
'## or after the admin has changed the configuration
'## the variables get (re)loaded

set my_Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

my_Conn.Open strConnString

if blnSetup <> "Y" then
for counter = 0 to my_conn.Errors.Count -1
ConnErrorNumber = my_conn.Errors(counter).Number
if my_conn.Errors(counter).Number <> 0 then
Response.Redirect "site_setup.asp?RC=1&CC=1&strDBType=" & strDBType & "&EC=" & ConnErrorNumber
end if
end if


'## Forum_SQL
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRCOPYRIGHT "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRTITLEIMAGE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRHOMEURL "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRFORUMURL "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRAUTHTYPE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSETCOOKIETOFORUM "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STREMAIL "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRUNIQUEEMAIL "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRMAILMODE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRMAILSERVER "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSENDER "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRDATETYPE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRTIMEADJUST "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRTIMETYPE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRMOVETOPICMODE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRIPLOGGING "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRPRIVATEFORUMS "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSHOWMODERATORS "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRALLOWFORUMCODE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRALLOWHTML "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRNOCOOKIES "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSECUREADMIN "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRHOTTOPIC "
strSql = strSql & ", C_INTHOTTOPICNUM "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRIMGINPOSTS "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRHOMEPAGE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRICQ "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRYAHOO "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRAIM "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRICONS "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRGFXBUTTONS "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STREDITEDBYDATE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRBADWORDFILTER "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRBADWORDS "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRDEFAULTFONTFACE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRDEFAULTFONTSIZE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRHEADERFONTSIZE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRFOOTERFONTSIZE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRPAGEBGCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRDEFAULTFONTCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRLINKCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRVISITEDLINKCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRACTIVELINKCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRHOVERFONTCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRHEADCELLCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRALTHEADCELLCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRHEADFONTCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRFORUMCELLCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRFORUMFONTCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRFORUMLINKCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRTABLEBORDERCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRPOPUPTABLECOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRPOPUPBORDERCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRNEWFONTCOLOR "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRTOPICWIDTHLEFT "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRTOPICNOWRAPLEFT "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRTOPICWIDTHRIGHT "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRTOPICNOWRAPRIGHT "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSHOWRANK "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKADMIN "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKMOD "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKLEVEL0 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKLEVEL1 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKLEVEL2 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKLEVEL3 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKLEVEL4 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKLEVEL5 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKCOLORADMIN "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKCOLORMOD "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKCOLOR0 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKCOLOR1 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKCOLOR2 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKCOLOR3 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKCOLOR4 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRANKCOLOR5 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_INTRANKLEVEL0 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_INTRANKLEVEL1 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_INTRANKLEVEL2 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_INTRANKLEVEL3 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_INTRANKLEVEL4 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_INTRANKLEVEL5 "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSIGNATURES "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSHOWSTATISTICS "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRLOGONFORMAIL "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSHOWPAGING "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSHOWTOPICNAV "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRPAGESIZE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRPAGENUMBERSIZE "
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRFULLNAME"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRPICTURE"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSEX"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRCITY"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRSTATE"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRAGE"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRCOUNTRY"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STROCCUPATION"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRBIO"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRHOBBIES"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRLNEWS"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRQUOTE"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRMARSTATUS"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRFAVLINKS"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRRECENTTOPICS"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRHOMEPAGE"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRNTGROUPS"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRAUTOLOGON"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STREMAILVAL"
strSql = strSql & ", C_JOKEOFTHEWEEK"
strSql = strSql & ", C_FORUMSTATUS"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRFLOODCHECK"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRFLOODCHECKTIME"
strSql = strSql & ", C_POLLCREATE"
strSql = strSql & ", C_FEATUREDPOLL"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRNEWREG"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRQUICKREPLY"

strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CONFIG "

set rsConfig = my_Conn.Execute (strSql)

Application(strCookieURL & "strSiteTitle") = rsConfig("C_STRSITETITLE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strCopyright") = rsConfig("C_STRCOPYRIGHT")
Application(strCookieURL & "strTitleImage") = rsConfig("C_STRTITLEIMAGE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHomeURL") = rsConfig("C_STRHOMEURL")
Application(strCookieURL & "strForumURL") = rsConfig("C_STRFORUMURL")
Application(strCookieURL & "strAuthType") = rsConfig("C_STRAUTHTYPE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strSetCookieToForum") = rsConfig("C_STRSETCOOKIETOFORUM")
Application(strCookieURL & "strEmail") = rsConfig("C_STREMAIL")
Application(strCookieURL & "strUniqueEmail") = rsConfig("C_STRUNIQUEEMAIL")
Application(strCookieURL & "strMailMode") = rsConfig("C_STRMAILMODE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strMailServer") = rsConfig("C_STRMAILSERVER")
Application(strCookieURL & "strSender") = rsConfig("C_STRSENDER")
Application(strCookieURL & "strDateType") = rsConfig("C_STRDATETYPE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strTimeAdjust") = rsConfig("C_STRTIMEADJUST")
Application(strCookieURL & "strTimeType") = rsConfig("C_STRTIMETYPE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strMoveTopicMode") = rsConfig("C_STRMOVETOPICMODE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strIPLogging") = rsConfig("C_STRIPLOGGING")
Application(strCookieURL & "strPrivateForums") = rsConfig("C_STRPRIVATEFORUMS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strShowModerators") = rsConfig("C_STRSHOWMODERATORS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strAllowForumCode") = rsConfig("C_STRALLOWFORUMCODE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strIMGInPosts") = rsConfig("C_STRIMGINPOSTS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strAllowHTML") = rsConfig("C_STRALLOWHTML")
Application(strCookieURL & "strNoCookies") = rsConfig("C_STRNOCOOKIES")
Application(strCookieURL & "strSecureAdmin") = rsConfig("C_STRSECUREADMIN")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHotTopic") = rsConfig("C_STRHOTTOPIC")
Application(strCookieURL & "intHotTopicNum") = rsConfig("C_INTHOTTOPICNUM")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHomepage") = rsConfig("C_STRHOMEPAGE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strICQ") = rsConfig("C_STRICQ")
Application(strCookieURL & "strYAHOO") = rsConfig("C_STRYAHOO")
Application(strCookieURL & "strAIM") = rsConfig("C_STRAIM")
Application(strCookieURL & "strIcons") = rsConfig("C_STRICONS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strGfxButtons") = rsConfig("C_STRGFXBUTTONS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strEditedByDate") = rsConfig("C_STREDITEDBYDATE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strBadWordFilter") = rsConfig("C_STRBADWORDFILTER")
Application(strCookieURL & "strBadWords") = rsConfig("C_STRBADWORDS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strDefaultFontFace") = rsConfig("C_STRDEFAULTFONTFACE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strDefaultFontSize") = rsConfig("C_STRDEFAULTFONTSIZE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHeaderFontSize") = rsConfig("C_STRHEADERFONTSIZE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strFooterFontSize") = rsConfig("C_STRFOOTERFONTSIZE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strPageBGColor") = rsConfig("C_STRPAGEBGCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strDefaultFontColor") = rsConfig("C_STRDEFAULTFONTCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strLinkColor") = rsConfig("C_STRLINKCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strLinkTextDecoration") = rsConfig("C_STRLINKTEXTDECORATION")
Application(strCookieURL & "strVisitedLinkColor") = rsConfig("C_STRVISITEDLINKCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strVisitedTextDecoration") = rsConfig("C_STRVISITEDTEXTDECORATION")
Application(strCookieURL & "strActiveLinkColor") = rsConfig("C_STRACTIVELINKCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHoverFontColor") = rsConfig("C_STRHOVERFONTCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHoverTextDecoration") = rsConfig("C_STRHOVERTEXTDECORATION")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHeadCellColor") = rsConfig("C_STRHEADCELLCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strAltHeadCellColor") = rsConfig("C_STRALTHEADCELLCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHeadFontColor") = rsConfig("C_STRHEADFONTCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strCategoryCellColor") = rsConfig("C_STRCATEGORYCELLCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strCategoryFontColor") = rsConfig("C_STRCATEGORYFONTCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strForumFirstCellColor") = rsConfig("C_STRFORUMFIRSTCELLCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strForumCellColor") = rsConfig("C_STRFORUMCELLCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strAltForumCellColor") = rsConfig("C_STRALTFORUMCELLCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strForumFontColor") = rsConfig("C_STRFORUMFONTCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strForumLinkColor") = rsConfig("C_STRFORUMLINKCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strTableBorderColor") = rsConfig("C_STRTABLEBORDERCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strPopUpTableColor") = rsConfig("C_STRPOPUPTABLECOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strPopUpBorderColor") = rsConfig("C_STRPOPUPBORDERCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strNewFontColor") = rsConfig("C_STRNEWFONTCOLOR")
Application(strCookieURL & "strTopicWidthLeft") = rsConfig("C_STRTOPICWIDTHLEFT")
Application(strCookieURL & "strTopicNoWrapLeft") = rsConfig("C_STRTOPICNOWRAPLEFT")
Application(strCookieURL & "strTopicWidthRight") = rsConfig("C_STRTOPICWIDTHRIGHT")
Application(strCookieURL & "strTopicNoWrapRight") = rsConfig("C_STRTOPICNOWRAPRIGHT")
Application(strCookieURL & "strShowRank") = rsConfig("C_STRSHOWRANK")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankAdmin") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKADMIN")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankMod") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKMOD")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankLevel0") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKLEVEL0")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankLevel1") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKLEVEL1")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankLevel2") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKLEVEL2")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankLevel3") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKLEVEL3")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankLevel4") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKLEVEL4")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankLevel5") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKLEVEL5")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColorAdmin") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKCOLORADMIN")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColorMod") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKCOLORMOD")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor0") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKCOLOR0")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor1") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKCOLOR1")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor2") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKCOLOR2")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor3") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKCOLOR3")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor4") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKCOLOR4")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor5") = rsConfig("C_STRRANKCOLOR5")
Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel0") = rsConfig("C_INTRANKLEVEL0")
Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel1") = rsConfig("C_INTRANKLEVEL1")
Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel2") = rsConfig("C_INTRANKLEVEL2")
Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel3") = rsConfig("C_INTRANKLEVEL3")
Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel4") = rsConfig("C_INTRANKLEVEL4")
Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel5") = rsConfig("C_INTRANKLEVEL5")
Application(strCookieURL & "strShowStatistics") = rsconfig("C_STRSHOWSTATISTICS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strLogonForMail") = rsconfig("C_STRLOGONFORMAIL")
Application(strCookieURL & "strShowPaging") = rsconfig("C_STRSHOWPAGING")
Application(strCookieURL & "strShowTopicNav") = rsconfig("C_STRSHOWTOPICNAV")
Application(strCookieURL & "strPageSize") = rsconfig("C_STRPAGESIZE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strPageNumberSize") = rsconfig("C_STRPAGENUMBERSIZE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strFullName") = rsconfig("C_STRFULLNAME")
Application(strCookieURL & "strPicture") = rsconfig("C_STRPICTURE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strSex") = rsconfig("C_STRSEX")
Application(strCookieURL & "strCity") = rsconfig("C_STRCITY")
Application(strCookieURL & "strState") = rsconfig("C_STRSTATE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strAge") = rsconfig("C_STRAGE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strCountry") = rsconfig("C_STRCOUNTRY")
Application(strCookieURL & "strOccupation") = rsconfig("C_STROCCUPATION")
Application(strCookieURL & "strBio") = rsconfig("C_STRBIO")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHobbies") = rsconfig("C_STRHOBBIES")
Application(strCookieURL & "strLNews") = rsconfig("C_STRLNEWS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strQuote") = rsconfig("C_STRQUOTE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strMarStatus") = rsconfig("C_STRMARSTATUS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strFavLinks") = rsconfig("C_STRFAVLINKS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strRecentTopics") = rsconfig("C_STRRECENTTOPICS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strHomePage") = rsconfig("C_STRHOMEPAGE")
Application(strCookieURL & "STRNTGROUPS") = rsConfig("C_STRNTGROUPS")
Application(strCookieURL & "STRAUTOLOGON") = rsConfig("C_STRAUTOLOGON")
Application(strCookieURL & "strEmailVal") = rsConfig("C_STREMAILVAL")
Application(strCookieURL & "strJokeOfTheWeek") = rsConfig("C_JOKEOFTHEWEEK")
Application(strCookieURL & "strForumStatus") = rsConfig("C_FORUMSTATUS")
Application(strCookieURL & "strFloodCheck") = rsConfig("C_STRFLOODCHECK")
Application(strCookieURL & "strFloodCheckTime") = rsConfig("C_STRFLOODCHECKTIME")
Application(strCookieURL & "strPollCreate") = rsConfig("C_POLLCREATE")
Application(strCookieURL & "strFeaturedPoll") = rsConfig("C_FEATUREDPOLL")
Application(strCookieURL & "strNewReg") = rsConfig("C_STRNEWREG")
Application(strCookieURL & "strQuickReply") = rsConfig("C_STRQUICKREPLY")

if blnSetup <> "Y" then
for counter = 0 to my_Conn.Errors.Count -1
if my_Conn.Errors(counter).Number <> 0 or Err.number > 0 then
myConnError = my_Conn.Errors(counter).Number

set my_Conn = nothing

Response.Redirect "site_setup.asp?RC=2&CC=1&strDBType="& strDBType & "&EC=" & myConnError
end if
end if

set my_Conn = nothing
Application(strCookieURL & "ConfigLoaded")= "YES"
end if
okoame = 1
' ## Read the config-info from the application variables...

strSiteTitle = Application(strCookieURL & "strSiteTitle")
strCopyright = Application(strCookieURL & "strCopyright")
strTitleImage = Application(strCookieURL & "strTitleImage")
strHomeURL = Application(strCookieURL & "strHomeURL")
strForumURL = Application(strCookieURL & "strForumURL")
strAuthType = Application(strCookieURL & "strAuthType")
strSetCookieToForum = Application(strCookieURL & "strSetCookieToForum")
strEmail = Application(strCookieURL & "strEmail")
strUniqueEmail = Application(strCookieURL & "strUniqueEmail")
strMailMode = Application(strCookieURL & "strMailMode")
strMailServer = Application(strCookieURL & "strMailServer")
strSender = Application(strCookieURL & "strSender")
strDateType = Application(strCookieURL & "strDateType")
strTimeAdjust = Application(strCookieURL & "strTimeAdjust")
strTimeType = Application(strCookieURL & "strTimeType")
strMoveTopicMode = Application(strCookieURL & "strMoveTopicMode")
strIPLogging = Application(strCookieURL & "strIPLogging")
strPrivateForums = Application(strCookieURL & "strPrivateForums")
strShowModerators = Application(strCookieURL & "strShowModerators")
strAllowForumCode = Application(strCookieURL & "strAllowForumCode")
strIMGInPosts = Application(strCookieURL & "strIMGInPosts")
strAllowHTML = Application(strCookieURL & "strAllowHTML")
strNoCookies = Application(strCookieURL & "strNoCookies")
strSecureAdmin = Application(strCookieURL & "strSecureAdmin")
strHotTopic = Application(strCookieURL & "strHotTopic")
intHotTopicNum = Application(strCookieURL & "intHotTopicNum")
strICQ = Application(strCookieURL & "strICQ")
strYAHOO = Application(strCookieURL & "strYAHOO")
strAIM = Application(strCookieURL & "strAIM")
strFullName = Application(strCookieURL & "strFullName")
strPicture = Application(strCookieURL & "strPicture")
strSex = Application(strCookieURL & "strSex")
strCity= Application(strCookieURL & "strCity")
strState = Application(strCookieURL & "strState")
strAge = Application(strCookieURL & "strAge")
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strRecentTopics = Application(strCookieURL & "strRecentTopics")
strAllowHideEmail = "1" '##not yet used !
strHomepage = Application(strCookieURL & "strHomepage")
strUseExtendedProfile = (strBio + strHobbies + strLNews + strRecentTopics + strPicture) > 0
strUseExtendedProfile = strUseExtendedProfile or ((strICQ + strYAHOO + strAIM + strFullName*2 + strSex + strCity + strState + strAge + strCountry + strOccupation + strFavLinks*2) > 5)
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strForumFontColor = Application(strCookieURL & "strForumFontColor")
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strRankLevel5 = Application(strCookieURL & "strRankLevel5")
strRankColorAdmin = Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColorAdmin")
strRankColorMod = Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColorMod")
strRankColor0 = Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor0")
strRankColor1 = Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor1")
strRankColor2 = Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor2")
strRankColor3 = Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor3")
strRankColor4 = Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor4")
strRankColor5 = Application(strCookieURL & "strRankColor5")
intRankLevel0 = Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel0")
intRankLevel1 = Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel1")
intRankLevel2 = Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel2")
intRankLevel3 = Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel3")
intRankLevel4 = Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel4")
intRankLevel5 = Application(strCookieURL & "intRankLevel5")
strShowStatistics = Application(strCookieURL & "strShowStatistics")
strLogonForMail = Application(strCookieURL & "strLogonForMail")
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strShowTopicNav = Application(strCookieURL & "strShowTopicNav")
strPageSize = Application(strCookieURL & "strPageSize")
strPageNumberSize = Application(strCookieURL & "strPageNumberSize")
strForumTimeAdjust = DateAdd("h", strTimeAdjust , Now())
strForumDateAdjust = strToDate(DateToStr(ChkDate(DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust))))
strNTGroups = Application(strCookieURL & "STRNTGROUPS")
strAutoLogon = Application(strCookieURL & "STRAUTOLOGON")
strEmailVal = Application(strCookieURL & "STREMAILVAL")
strJokeOfTheWeek = Application(strCookieURL & "strJokeOfTheWeek")
strForumStatus = Application(strCookieURL & "strForumStatus")
strFloodCheck = Application(strCookieURL & "STRFLOODCHECK")
strFloodCheckTime = Application(strCookieURL & "STRFLOODCHECKTIME")
strPollCreate = Application(strCookieURL & "STRPOLLCREATE")
strFeaturedPoll = Application(strCookieURL & "STRFEATUREDPOLL")
strNewReg = Application(strCookieURL & "STRNEWREG")
strQuickReply = Application(strCookieURL & "STRQUICKREPLY")

if strSecureAdmin = "0" then
Session(strCookieURL & "Approval") = "256697926329"
end if

on error goto 0

if strAuthType = "db" then
strAutoLogon ="0"
strNTGroups ="0"
end if
Date : 4 ส.ค. 2549 14:23:26 By : แอน


No. 6

Date : 4 ส.ค. 2549 14:33:09 By : แอน




Re : ขอ code asp แสดงข้อมูลเฉพาะของคนที่ login เข้ามาเท่านั้น
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อัพโหลดแทรกรูปภาพ ให้ใช้บริการอัพโหลดไฟล์ของไทยครีเอท และตัดรูปภาพให้พอดีกับสกรีน เพื่อความโหลดเร็วและไฟล์ไม่ถูกลบทิ้ง

  เพื่อความปลอดภัยและการตรวจสอบ กระทู้ที่แทรกไฟล์อัพโหลดไฟล์จากที่อื่น อาจจะถูกลบทิ้ง
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