อยากเปลี่ยนรูปแบบวันที่ตามต้องการ ในรูปแบบของภาษาไทย พ.ศ เช่น 24 มีนาคม 2552 |
ลองเอา function ไปเล่นดูก่อนนะ มีวิธีเขียนได้อีกเยอะครับ
Code (PHP)
function show_date($DataDate){
list($Date,$Time)=explode(" ",$DataDate);
$Year = substr($Date,0,4);
$Month = substr($Date,5,2);
$Date = substr($Date,8,2);
case "1": $Month_TH = "ม.ค"; break;
case "2": $Month_TH = "ก.พ"; break;
case "3": $Month_TH = "มี.ค"; break;
case "4": $Month_TH = "เม.ษ"; break;
case "5": $Month_TH = "พ.ค"; break;
case "6": $Month_TH = "มิ.ย"; break;
case "7": $Month_TH = "ก.ค"; break;
case "8": $Month_TH = "ส.ค"; break;
case "9": $Month_TH = "ก.ย"; break;
case "10":$Month_TH = "ต.ค"; break;
case "11":$Month_TH = "พ.ย"; break;
case "12":$Month_TH = "ธ.ค"; break;
if(substr($Date,0,1)==0){$Date=substr($Date,1,1); }
return $Date." ".$Month_TH." ".($Year+543);
// วิธีการเรียกใช้งานนะครับ ง่าย มาก
echo show_date("2009-03-24");
Date :
2009-03-24 22:16:40 |
By :
dr.website |
Code (PHP)
function DateThai($strDate)
$strYear = date("Y",strtotime($strDate))+543;
$strMonth= date("n",strtotime($strDate));
$strDay= date("j",strtotime($strDate));
$strHour= date("H",strtotime($strDate));
$strMinute= date("i",strtotime($strDate));
$strSeconds= date("s",strtotime($strDate));
$strMonthCut = Array("","ม.ค.","ก.พ.","มี.ค.","เม.ย.","พ.ค.","มิ.ย.","ก.ค.","ส.ค.","ก.ย.","ต.ค.","พ.ย.","ธ.ค.");
return "$strDay $strMonthThai $strYear, $strHour:$strMinute";
$strDate = "2008-08-14 13:42:44";
echo "ThaiCreate.Com Time now : ".DateThai($strDate);
Ref : PHP Thai Date/Time Function
Date :
2009-03-25 07:14:40 |
By :
webmaster |
แล้วถ้าเราจะดึงวันที่มาจากฐานข้อมูล แล้วมาเปลี่ยนอ่ะคะ
ต้องทำยังไง ได้เขียน script แปลงวันที่เก็บไว้ใน admin/date.php
แต่ว่าเรียกใช้ไม่ถูกอ่ะคะ ^^"
Code (PHP)
<td width="90"><?=$objResult["news_date"];?></td>
ใส่ยังไงค่ะ ขอบคุณมากๆค่ะ
Date :
2011-08-23 11:52:30 |
By :
Anijang |
Code (PHP)
<!-- ********************Paging******************** --!>
class Paginator{
var $items_per_page;
var $items_total;
var $current_page;
var $num_pages;
var $mid_range;
var $low;
var $high;
var $limit;
var $return;
var $default_ipp;
var $querystring;
var $url_next;
function Paginator()
$this->current_page = 1;
$this->mid_range = 7;
$this->items_per_page = $this->default_ipp;
$this->url_next = $this->url_next;
function paginate()
if(!is_numeric($this->items_per_page) OR $this->items_per_page <= 0) $this->items_per_page = $this->default_ipp;
$this->num_pages = ceil($this->items_total/$this->items_per_page);
if($this->current_page < 1 Or !is_numeric($this->current_page)) $this->current_page = 1;
if($this->current_page > $this->num_pages) $this->current_page = $this->num_pages;
$prev_page = $this->current_page-1;
$next_page = $this->current_page+1;
if($this->num_pages > 10)
$this->return = ($this->current_page != 1 And $this->items_total >= 10) ? "<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"".$this->url_next.$this->$prev_page."\">« Previous</a> ":"<span class=\"inactive\" href=\"#\">« Previous</span> ";
$this->start_range = $this->current_page - floor($this->mid_range/2);
$this->end_range = $this->current_page + floor($this->mid_range/2);
if($this->start_range <= 0)
$this->end_range += abs($this->start_range)+1;
$this->start_range = 1;
if($this->end_range > $this->num_pages)
$this->start_range -= $this->end_range-$this->num_pages;
$this->end_range = $this->num_pages;
$this->range = range($this->start_range,$this->end_range);
if($this->range[0] > 2 And $i == $this->range[0]) $this->return .= " ... ";
if($i==1 Or $i==$this->num_pages Or in_array($i,$this->range))
$this->return .= ($i == $this->current_page And $_GET['Page'] != 'All') ? "<a title=\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\" class=\"current\" href=\"#\">$i</a> ":"<a class=\"paginate\" title=\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\" href=\"".$this->url_next.$i."\">$i</a> ";
if($this->range[$this->mid_range-1] < $this->num_pages-1 And $i == $this->range[$this->mid_range-1]) $this->return .= " ... ";
$this->return .= (($this->current_page != $this->num_pages And $this->items_total >= 10) And ($_GET['Page'] != 'All')) ? "<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"".$this->url_next.$next_page."\">Next »</a>\n":"<span class=\"inactive\" href=\"#\">» Next</span>\n";
$this->return .= ($i == $this->current_page) ? "<a class=\"current\" href=\"#\">$i</a> ":"<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"".$this->url_next.$i."\">$i</a> ";
$this->low = ($this->current_page-1) * $this->items_per_page;
$this->high = ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All') ? $this->items_total:($this->current_page * $this->items_per_page)-1;
$this->limit = ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All') ? "":" LIMIT $this->low,$this->items_per_page";
function display_pages()
return $this->return;
<style type="text/css">
.paginate {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: .7em;
a.paginate {
padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;
text-decoration: none;
color: #1848fc;
h2 {
font-size: 12pt;
color: #003366;
h2 {
line-height: 1.2em;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: left;
a.paginate:hover {
background-color: #ffc730;
color: #FFF;
text-decoration: underline;
a.current {
border: 1px solid;
font: bold .7em Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;
cursor: default;
color: #FFF;
text-decoration: none;
span.inactive {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: .7em;
padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;
color: #999;
cursor: default;
$objConnect = mysql_connect("","root","password") or die("Error Connect to Database");
$objDB = mysql_select_db("wp");
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM news";
$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL) or die ("Error Query [".$strSQL."]");
$Num_Rows = mysql_num_rows($objQuery);
$Per_Page = 10; // Per Page
$Page = $_GET["Page"];
$Prev_Page = $Page-1;
$Next_Page = $Page+1;
$Page_Start = (($Per_Page*$Page)-$Per_Page);
$Num_Pages =1;
else if(($Num_Rows % $Per_Page)==0)
$Num_Pages =($Num_Rows/$Per_Page) ;
$Num_Pages =($Num_Rows/$Per_Page)+1;
$Num_Pages = (int)$Num_Pages;
$strSQL .=" order by news_no desc LIMIT $Page_Start , $Per_Page";
$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL);
Total <?= $Num_Rows;?> Records
$pages = new Paginator;
$pages->items_total = $Num_Rows;
$pages->mid_range = 10;
$pages->current_page = $Page;
$pages->default_ipp = $Per_Page;
$pages->url_next = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?QueryString=value&Page=";
echo $pages->display_pages()
<table width="700" border="0">
while($objResult = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery))
<td align="left" valign="middle"><img src="images/menu01dot.png" alt="" width="8" height="17" /><b><a href="news_detail.php?n_no=<? echo $objResult['news_no'];?>"></a> <a href="news_detail.php?n_no=<? echo $objResult['news_no'];?>" class="text01-2"><?echo $objResult['news_subject'];?> <?php if($objResult['news_new']=="1"){ ?><img src="images/new.gif" width="30" height="8" border="0" /><?php } ?></a></b></td>
<td width="90"><?=$objResult["news_date"];?></td>
<td height="10" colspan="2" align="right" valign="top" class="gray_bottom"> </td>
<td height="0" colspan="2" align="left" valign="middle"></td>
<td colspan="2" align="left" valign="middle">
$sql ="select * from news where news_status='no show' order by news_date desc LIMIT $start, $pagesize ";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($dbarr = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$date2 = explode("-",$date1);
<td align="left" valign="middle"><img src="images/menu01dot.png" alt="" width="8" height="17" /><b> <a href="news_detail.php?n_no=<? echo $dbarr['news_no'];?>" class="text01-2"><?echo $dbarr['news_subject'];?> <?php if($dbarr['news_new']=="1"){ ?><img src="images/new.gif" width="30" height="8" border="0" /><?php } ?></a></b></td>
<td align="right" valign="middle" class="text01-2"><? echo $date2[2]." ".$date2[1]." ".$date2[0];?></td>
<td height="0" colspan="2"><span class="date">
<!-- ********************************************** --!>
ประวัติการแก้ไข 2011-08-23 12:02:55
Date :
2011-08-23 11:53:17 |
By :
Anijang |
<td width="90"><?=$objResult["news_date"];?></td>
ให้ทำแบบนี้ครับ (อันนี้ผมใช้ Function ของ dr.website คนที่มาตอบคนที่ 1 นะครับ)
$news_date = $objResult["news_date"];
$news_date = show_date($news_date);
ส่วนอันนี้ <td width="90"><?=$objResult["news_date"];?></td>
<td width="90"><?php echo $news_date; ?></td>
Date :
2012-01-31 09:27:52 |
By :
pantatonic |
Load balance : Server 03