อยากทำตัดสต๊อก คับ ทำไงช่วยหน่อยคับ ตอนนี้งงมาก |
Code (PHP)
namespace RCode\Resource;
class Munich
private $conn;
public function __construct($conn)
$this->conn = $conn;
public function login($username, $password)
# ฟังชั่นการเข้าสู่ระบบ...
$password = hash("sha256", $password);
$login = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT m_user FROM tbl_member WHERE m_user = ? AND m_pass = ?");
$login->execute([$username, $password]);
if ($login->rowCount() == 1) {
$fetch = $login->fetchObject();
$_SESSION["login"] = $fetch->m_user;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function getProfile()
#เรียกดูโปรไฟล์หลัง Login
if (isset($_SESSION["login"])) {
$profile = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl_member WHERE m_user = ?");
if ($profile->execute([$_SESSION["login"]])) {
if ($profile->rowCount() == 1) {
return $profile->fetchObject();
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
public function logout()
$_SESSION["login"] = "";
return true;
public function register($username, $password, $name, $surname, $sex, $email)
# ฟังชั่นการสมัครสมาชิก...
$password = hash("sha256", $password);
$check = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT m_user FROM tbl_member WHERE m_user = ?");
if ($check->rowCount() == 0) {
$register = $this->conn->prepare("INSERT INTO tbl_member(m_user,m_pass,m_name,m_surname,m_sex,m_email) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)");
if ($register->execute([$username, $password, $name, $surname, $sex, $email])) return true;
else return false;
} else {
return false;
public function product($id)
$product = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl_product WHERE p_id = ?");
if ($product->rowCount() > 0) {
return $product->fetchObject();
} else {
return false;
public function addcart($p_id, $qty)
$check = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl_cart WHERE m_user = ? AND p_id = ?");
$check->execute([$this->getProfile()->m_user, $p_id]);
if ($check->rowCount() > 0) {
$update = $this->conn->prepare("UPDATE tbl_cart SET cart_qty = cart_qty + ? WHERE m_user = ? AND p_id = ?");
$update->execute([$qty, $this->getProfile()->m_user, $p_id]);
} else {
$addcart = $this->conn->prepare("INSERT INTO tbl_cart(m_user,p_id,cart_qty) VALUES(?,?,?)");
$addcart->execute([$this->getProfile()->m_user, $p_id, $qty]);
$sumall = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT SUM(cart_qty) AS numCart FROM tbl_cart WHERE m_user = ?");
$fetch = $sumall->fetchObject();
return $fetch->numCart;
public function numOfCart()
$sumall = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT SUM(cart_qty) AS numCart FROM tbl_cart WHERE m_user = ?");
$fetch = $sumall->fetchObject();
return $fetch->numCart != "" ? $fetch->numCart : 0;
public function priceOfCart()
$mycart = $this->myCart();
$total = 0;
while ($row = $mycart->fetchObject()) {
$total = $total + ($row->cart_qty * $row->price);
return $total;
public function myCart()
$mycart = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT tbl_cart.cart_id,tbl_cart.m_user,tbl_product.p_name,tbl_product.p_id,tbl_product.p_img,tbl_product.price,tbl_cart.cart_qty FROM tbl_cart INNER JOIN tbl_product WHERE tbl_cart.m_user = ? AND tbl_cart.p_id = tbl_product.p_id");
return $mycart;
public function changeCart($cartID, $qty)
# แก้ไขตะกร้า
$change = $this->conn->prepare("UPDATE tbl_cart SET cart_qty = ? WHERE cart_id = ? AND m_user = ?");
return $change->execute([$qty, $cartID, $this->getProfile()->m_user]);
public function deleteCart($cartID)
# ลบสินค้าทั้งหมดในตะกร้า
$delete = $this->conn->prepare("DELETE FROM tbl_cart WHERE cart_id = ?");
return $delete->execute([$cartID]);
public function payment($order_sync_id, $price)
$check = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE m_user = ? AND order_payment_status = 0");
if ($check->rowCount() > 0) {
return false;
} else {
$mycart = $this->myCart();
while ($fetch = $mycart->fetchObject()) {
$move_to_order = $this->conn->prepare("INSERT INTO tbl_order_product_list(sync_order_id,p_id,odp_qty) VALUES (?,?,?)");
$move_to_order->execute([$order_sync_id, $fetch->p_id, $fetch->cart_qty]);
$payment = $this->conn->prepare("INSERT INTO tbl_order(m_user,p_list,order_price,order_payment_status,order_day,order_date,order_out) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
$order_out = date("Y-m-d" ,strtotime(date("Y-m-d")." +".$_SESSION["order_day"]." days"));
if ($payment->execute([$this->getProfile()->m_user, $order_sync_id, $price, 0,$_SESSION["order_day"],date("Y-m-d"),$order_out])) {
$_SESSION["order_day"] = 1;
$clear_cart = $this->conn->prepare("DELETE FROM tbl_cart WHERE m_user = ?");
if ($clear_cart->execute([$this->getProfile()->m_user])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
public function Order($key)
$order = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE p_list = ?");
$result["order"] = $order->fetchObject();
$orderList = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl_order_product_list INNER JOIN tbl_product WHERE tbl_order_product_list.sync_order_id = ? AND tbl_order_product_list.p_id = tbl_product.p_id");
$result["order_list"] = $orderList;
return $result;
public function member_edit($username, $password, $title, $name, $surname, $sex, $email, $homenum, $district, $hgroup, $povine, $pcode, $tel, $num, $address)
$member_edit = $this->conn->prepare("UPDATE tbl_member set m_user = ?, m_pass = ?, m_title = ?, m_name = ?, m_surname = ?, m_sex = ?, m_email = ?, m_homenum = ?, m_district = ?, m_hgroup = ?, m_povine = ?, m_pcode = ?, m_tel = ?, m_num = ?, m_address = ? WHERE m_user = ?");
$password = hash("sha256", $password);
return $member_edit->execute([$username, $password, $title, $name, $surname, $sex, $email, $homenum, $district, $hgroup, $povine, $pcode, $tel, $num, $address ,$username]);
public function pstatus()
$order = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE m_user = ?");
return $order;
Tag : PHP
ประวัติการแก้ไข 2021-03-09 20:19:51
Date :
2021-03-09 18:49:14 |
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nice40423 |
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เอา tag ภาษาครอบหน่อย จะได้อ่านง่าย
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2021-03-09 19:53:54 |
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Chaidhanan |
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