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HOME > .NET Framework > Forum > ASP.NET C# เมื่อกดที่ปุ่ม browse แล้วแสดงภาพทีเลือกไว้


ASP.NET C# เมื่อกดที่ปุ่ม browse แล้วแสดงภาพทีเลือกไว้


Topic : 076029

โพสกระทู้ ( 37 )
บทความ ( 0 )


คือผมอยากจะเขียนโค้ด เมื่อเวลาเรากด browse และเลือกไฟล์แล้วก็แสดงรูปภาพที่เราเลือกก่อนที่เราจะกดตกลงครับ


Tag : ASP.NET, Ms SQL Server 2005, Web (ASP.NET), C#

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Date : 2012-03-23 22:41:30 By : gigclubbeer View : 2109 Reply : 3


No. 1

โพสกระทู้ ( 37 )
บทความ ( 0 )


อันนี้เป็นโค้ดนะครับ...แต่ไม่รู็จะเขียน script ยังไงครับ

Code (C#)
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <title>Untitled Page</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <b>จัดการสอบ</b><br />
    รหัสวิชา <asp:Label ID="lblID_course" runat="server" />
    วิชา <asp:Label ID="lblName_course" runat="server" /> Section.<asp:Label ID="lblSection" runat="server" /><br />
    ภาคเรียนที่ <asp:Label ID="lblterm" runat="server" />/<asp:Label ID="lblterm_year" runat="server" />
       <br /><br />
       <asp:HiddenField ID="hdCode_course" runat="server" />
       <table border="0" runat="server">
            <td> : </td>
            <td><asp:TextBox ID="tbTest" runat="server" /></td>
            <td> : </td>
                <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" /><br />
                <asp:FileUpload ID="flKey" runat="server"/>
        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="ตกลง" OnClick="insert" />
        <asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="ยกเลิก" OnClick="uninsert" />

แสดงความคิดเห็นโดยอ้างถึง ความคิดเห็นนี้
Date : 2012-03-23 22:45:24 By : gigclubbeer


No. 2

โพสกระทู้ ( 74,058 )
บทความ ( 838 )


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ลองใช้ JavaScript ครับ

Code (JavaScript)
<title>ThaiCreate.Com Tutorial</title>
<form name="frmMain" action="" method="post">
<script language="JavaScript">
	function showPreview(ele)
<input type="file" name="filUpload" OnChange="showPreview(this)">
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="Submit">
<img id="imgAvatar">

Go to : JavaScript Display Preview Images Before Upload
แสดงความคิดเห็นโดยอ้างถึง ความคิดเห็นนี้
Date : 2012-03-24 17:35:41 By : webmaster


No. 3

โพสกระทู้ ( 37 )
บทความ ( 0 )


ไม่ได้ครับ เพราะว่ามันมี script C# อยูข้างบนก่อนแล้วครับ อันนี้โค้ดเต็มทั้งหมดครับ
Code (C#)
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.web.UI"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI.HtmlControls"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="AForge.Imaging"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="AForge.Imaging.Filters"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="AForge"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="AForge.Math"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="AForge.Math.Geometry"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Imaging"%>
<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>

<script runat="server">
    SqlConnection objConn = new SqlConnection("Server=MONOJA-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;UID=sa;PASSWORD=1234;database=mydatabases;Max Pool Size=400;Connect Timeout=600;");
    SqlCommand objCmd = new SqlCommand();
    SqlCommand objCmd1 = new SqlCommand();
    SqlCommand objCmd2 = new SqlCommand();
    public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        string sql_course;
        SqlDataReader dtReader;
        sql_course = "select * from course where id_course='" + Request.QueryString["id_course"] + "' and section='" + Request.QueryString["section"] + "' and term='" + Request.QueryString["term"] + "' and term_year='" + Request.QueryString["term_year"] + "'";
        objCmd = new SqlCommand(sql_course, objConn);
        dtReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader();
        this.hdCode_course.Value = dtReader["code_course"].ToString();
            this.lblID_course.Text = dtReader["id_course"].ToString();
            this.lblName_course.Text = dtReader["name_course"].ToString();
            this.lblSection.Text = dtReader["section"].ToString();
            this.lblterm.Text = dtReader["term"].ToString();
            this.lblterm_year.Text = dtReader["term_year"].ToString();
        dtReader = null;

    void insert(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string name = this.lblID_course.Text + "-" + this.lblterm.Text + "-" + this.lblterm_year.Text;
        DirectoryInfo DirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(name));

        string path = name + "/";
        this.flKey.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(path + "key_"+flKey.FileName));
        //this.Label1.Text = flKey.FileName;

        String file1 = path + "/key_" + flKey.FileName;
        String file = path + "/test.jpg";
        Bitmap newimage = AForge.Imaging.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(file1));
        Bitmap newimage1 = AForge.Imaging.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(file1));

        ColorFiltering colorFilter = new ColorFiltering();
        colorFilter.Red = new IntRange(0, 50);
        colorFilter.Green = new IntRange(0, 50);
        colorFilter.Blue = new IntRange(0, 50);
        colorFilter.FillOutsideRange = false;
        newimage = colorFilter.Apply(newimage);

        AdditiveNoise noise = new AdditiveNoise();
        newimage = noise.Apply(newimage);

        int num = 2;
        for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++)
            // create filter
            Blur filter = new Blur();
            // apply the filter
            newimage = filter.Apply(newimage);

        // create grayscale filter (BT709)
        Grayscale filter2 = new Grayscale(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
        // apply the filter
        newimage = filter2.Apply(newimage);

        // create filter
        Threshold filter1 = new Threshold(100);
        // apply the filter
        newimage = filter1.Apply(newimage);

        GrayscaleToRGB filter3 = new GrayscaleToRGB();
        newimage = filter3.Apply(newimage);

        Invert filter4 = new Invert();
        newimage = filter4.Apply(newimage);

        BlobCounter blobCounter = new BlobCounter();
        Blob[] blobs = blobCounter.GetObjectsInformation();
        Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(newimage);
        Pen redPen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2);
        Pen bluePen = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2);
        Pen brownPen = new Pen(Color.Brown, 2);
        Pen yPen = new Pen(Color.OrangeRed, 2);
        Pen gPen = new Pen(Color.Green, 2);
        Pen goPen = new Pen(Color.Gold, 2);

        SimpleShapeChecker shapeChecker = new SimpleShapeChecker();

        int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0, n = 0, j = 0, c = 0, c1 = 0, r = 0, rr1 = 0, h = 0, sq = 1, rr = 1, r1 = 0;
        int[] a = new int[4];
        int[] cricle = new int[100];
        int[] cricle1 = new int[100];
        int[] b = new int[50];
        int[] b1 = new int[30];
        int[] bb = new int[30];
        int[] q = new int[1];

        for (int i = 1; i <= blobs.Length; i++)
            //a = new int[5];
            if (blobs[x].Rectangle.X >= blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.X && blobs[x].Rectangle.Y >= blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.Y)
                x = i - 1;
            if (blobs[y].Rectangle.X <= blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.X && blobs[y].Rectangle.Y <= blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.Y)
                y = i - 1;
                //a[n+1] = x;
            if (blobs[z].Rectangle.X <= blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.X && blobs[z].Rectangle.Y >= blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.Y)
                z = i - 1;
                //a[n+2] = x;
            if (blobs[w].Rectangle.X >= blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.X && blobs[w].Rectangle.Y <= blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.Y)
                w = i - 1;
                //a[n+3] = x;
                //this.Label1.Text = w.ToString();
            if (blobs[h].Rectangle.Width <= blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.Width)
                h = i - 1;
                q[0] = h;
                //this.Label3.Text = q[0].ToString();

        for (j = 0; j <= 3; j++)
            if (j == 0)
                a[j] = x;
                //this.Label10.Text = a[j].ToString();
            if (j == 1)
                a[j] = y;
                //this.Label1.Text = a[j].ToString();
            if (j == 2)
                a[j] = z;
                //this.Label1.Text = a[j].ToString();
            if (j == 3)
                a[j] = w;
                //this.Label1.Text = a[j].ToString();
            //this.Label10.Text = this.Label1.Text + a[j] + "<br>";


        for (int i = 1; i <= blobs.Length; i++, rr++)
            System.Collections.Generic.List<AForge.IntPoint> edgePoints = blobCounter.GetBlobsEdgePoints(blobs[i - 1]);
            if (shapeChecker.IsCircle(edgePoints))
                if ((i - 1) < q[0])
                    g.DrawEllipse(redPen, blobs[i - 1].Rectangle);
                    cricle[c] = (i - 1);
                    //this.Label10.Text = this.Label1.Text + cricle[c] + "<br>";
                else if ((i - 1) > q[0])
                    g.DrawEllipse(brownPen, blobs[i - 1].Rectangle);
                    cricle1[c1] = (i - 1);
                    //this.Label1.Text = this.Label1.Text + cricle1[c1] + "<br>";
                else { }
            else if ((i - 1) != a[0] && (i - 1) != a[1] && (i - 1) != a[2] && (i - 1) != a[3] && (i - 1) != q[0])
                //this.Label10.Text = blobs[w].Rectangle.Y + "=" + blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.Y;
                if (blobs[w].Rectangle.Y == blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.Y)
                    g.DrawEllipse(goPen, blobs[i - 1].Rectangle);
                    bb[r1] = (i - 1);
                    //this.Label10.Text = this.Label10.Text + blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.Y + "<br>";
                    if ((i - 1) > q[0])
                        g.DrawEllipse(bluePen, blobs[i - 1].Rectangle);
                        b[r] = (i - 1);
                        //this.Label1.Text = this.Label1.Text + b[r] + "<br>";
                    if ((i - 1) < q[0] && blobs[i - 1].Rectangle.Y != blobs[h].Rectangle.Y)
                        g.DrawEllipse(gPen, blobs[i - 1].Rectangle);
                        b1[rr1] = (i - 1);

                //this.Label2.Text = "error"; 

        foreach (int point in bb)
            foreach (int poin in b1)
                foreach (int cri in cricle)
                    if (poin != a[0] && point != a[0] && cri != a[0])
                        int col, row;
                        col = blobs[point].Rectangle.X;
                        row = blobs[poin].Rectangle.Y;

                        int center = blobs[cri].Rectangle.X + (blobs[cri].Rectangle.Width / 2);
                        int center1 = blobs[cri].Rectangle.Y + (blobs[cri].Rectangle.Height / 2);

                        int radi = center - blobs[cri].Rectangle.X;

                        int A = row - center1;
                        int B = col - center;

                        double sum_a = Math.Pow(A, 2);
                        double sum_b = Math.Pow(B, 2);
                        double sum = sum_a + sum_b;
                        double C = Math.Sqrt(sum);

                        if (C <= radi)
                            for (int i = 0; i < bb.Length; i++)
                                int f = bb[i];
                                if (f != 0 && blobs[point].Rectangle.X == blobs[f].Rectangle.X)
                                    for (int k = 0; k < b1.Length; k++)
                                        int co = b1[k];
                                        if (co != 0 && blobs[poin].Rectangle.Y == blobs[co].Rectangle.Y)
                                            if (i >= 12 && i <= 13)
                                                if (k == 0)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "1";
                                                else if (k == 1)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "2";
                                                else if (k == 2)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "3";
                                                else if (k == 3)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "4";
                                                else if (k == 4)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "5";
                                                else if (k == 5)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "6";
                                                else if (k == 6)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "7";
                                                else if (k == 7)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "8";
                                                else if (k == 8)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "9";
                                                else if (k == 9)
                                                    this.Label6.Text = this.Label6.Text + "0";
                                            if (i >= 15 && i <= 16)
                                                if (k == 0)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "1";
                                                else if (k == 1)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "2";
                                                else if (k == 2)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "3";
                                                else if (k == 3)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "4";
                                                else if (k == 4)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "5";
                                                else if (k == 5)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "6";
                                                else if (k == 6)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "7";
                                                else if (k == 7)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "8";
                                                else if (k == 8)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "9";
                                                else if (k == 9)
                                                    this.Label7.Text = this.Label7.Text + "0";
                                            if (i >= 18 && i <= 24)
                                                if (k == 0)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "1";
                                                else if (k == 1)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "2";
                                                else if (k == 2)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "3";
                                                else if (k == 3)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "4";
                                                else if (k == 4)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "5";
                                                else if (k == 5)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "6";
                                                else if (k == 6)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "7";
                                                else if (k == 7)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "8";
                                                else if (k == 8)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "9";
                                                else if (k == 9)
                                                    this.Label8.Text = this.Label8.Text + "0";
        //this.Label6.Text = this.Label8.Text;
        int id_course = Convert.ToInt32(this.lblID_course.Text);
        int id_course1 = Convert.ToInt32(this.Label8.Text);
        int section = Convert.ToInt32(this.lblSection.Text);
        int section1 = Convert.ToInt32(this.Label6.Text);

        if (id_course == id_course1 && section == section1)
            String sql_ct, sql_st, sql_st1, sql_st2, sql_st3, sql_ka, sql_keyans, sql_keya;
            int intNumRows;
            sql_ct = "SELECT count(*) FROM style_test where code_course='" + this.hdCode_course.Value + "'";
            objCmd = new SqlCommand(sql_ct, objConn);
            intNumRows = Convert.ToInt32(objCmd.ExecuteScalar());

            int numm = intNumRows + 1;
            //string numb = num.ToString();

            sql_st = "INSERT INTO style_test (id_st,name_st,code_course) " +
               " VALUES " +
               " ('" + numm + "','" + this.tbTest.Text + "','" + this.hdCode_course.Value + "')";

            objCmd = new SqlCommand(sql_st, objConn);
            //objCmd.Connection = objConn;
            //objCmd.CommandText = sql_st;
            //objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                this.lblStatus.Text = "Record Inserted";
                this.lblStatus.Visible = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.lblStatus.Visible = true;
                this.lblStatus.Text = "Record can not insert Error (" + ex.Message + ")";
            objCmd = null;

            int intNumRows1;
            sql_ct = "SELECT count(*) FROM key_answer where code_course='"+this.hdCode_course.Value+"'";
            objCmd = new SqlCommand(sql_ct, objConn);
            intNumRows1 = Convert.ToInt32(objCmd.ExecuteScalar());
            int numm1 = intNumRows1 + 1;
            sql_st2 = "INSERT INTO key_answer (id_key,id_st,key_answer,series,code_course) " +
           " VALUES " +
           " ('" + numm1 + "','" + numm + "','" + flKey.FileName + "','"+this.Label7.Text+"','"+this.hdCode_course.Value+"')";

            objCmd = new SqlCommand();
            objCmd.Connection = objConn;
            objCmd.CommandText = sql_st2;
            objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                this.lblStatus2.Text = "Record Inserted";
                this.lblStatus2.Visible = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.lblStatus2.Visible = true;
                this.lblStatus2.Text = "Record can not insert Error (" + ex.Message + ")";
            objCmd = null;

            foreach (int poin in b)
                foreach (int point in bb)
                    foreach (int cri in cricle1)
                        //this.Label10.Text = poin.ToString();
                        if (poin != a[0] && point != a[0] && cri != a[0])
                            int col, row;
                            col = blobs[point].Rectangle.X;
                            row = blobs[poin].Rectangle.Y;

                            int center = blobs[cri].Rectangle.X + (blobs[cri].Rectangle.Width / 2);
                            int center1 = blobs[cri].Rectangle.Y + (blobs[cri].Rectangle.Height / 2);

                            int radi = center - blobs[cri].Rectangle.X;

                            int A = row - center1;
                            int B = col - center;

                            double sum_a = Math.Pow(A, 2);
                            double sum_b = Math.Pow(B, 2);
                            double sum = sum_a + sum_b;
                            double C = Math.Sqrt(sum);

                            if (C <= radi)
                                for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
                                    int f = b[i];
                                    //this.Label4.Text = this.Label4.Text + i + "<br>";
                                    //this.Label9.Text = this.Label9.Text + blobs[poin].Rectangle.Y.ToString() + "=" + blobs[f].Rectangle.Y.ToString() + "<br>";
                                    if (f != 0 && blobs[poin].Rectangle.Y == blobs[f].Rectangle.Y)
                                        for (int k = 0; k < bb.Length; k++)
                                            int co = bb[k];
                                            if (k >= 0 && k <= 5)
                                                if (co != 0 && blobs[point].Rectangle.X == blobs[co].Rectangle.X)
                                                    i += 1;
                                                    //k += 1;
                                                    if (k == 1)
                                                        this.Label1.Text = "ก";
                                                    else if (k == 2)
                                                        this.Label1.Text = "ข";
                                                    else if (k == 3)
                                                        this.Label1.Text = "ค";
                                                    else if (k == 4)
                                                        this.Label1.Text = "ง";
                                                    else if (k == 5)
                                                        this.Label1.Text = "จ";
                                                    else { }

                                            if (k >= 6 && k <= 11)
                                                if (co != 0 && blobs[point].Rectangle.X == blobs[co].Rectangle.X)
                                                    i = i + 21;
                                                    //k += 1;
                                                    if (k == 7)
                                                        this.Label2.Text = "ก";
                                                    else if (k == 8)
                                                        this.Label2.Text = "ข";
                                                    else if (k == 9)
                                                        this.Label2.Text = "ค";
                                                    else if (k == 10)
                                                        this.Label2.Text = "ง";
                                                    else if (k == 11)
                                                        this.Label2.Text = "จ";
                                                    else { }

                                            if (k >= 12 && k <= 17)
                                                if (co != 0 && blobs[point].Rectangle.X == blobs[co].Rectangle.X)
                                                    i += 41;
                                                    //k += 1;
                                                    if (k == 13)
                                                        this.Label3.Text = "ก";
                                                    else if (k == 14)
                                                        this.Label3.Text = "ข";
                                                    else if (k == 15)
                                                        this.Label3.Text = "ค";
                                                    else if (k == 16)
                                                        this.Label3.Text = "ง";
                                                    else if (k == 17)
                                                        this.Label3.Text = "จ";
                                                    else { }
                                            if (k >= 18 && k <= 23)
                                                if (co != 0 && blobs[point].Rectangle.X == blobs[co].Rectangle.X)
                                                    i += 61;
                                                    //k += 1;
                                                    if (k == 19)
                                                        this.Label4.Text = "ก";
                                                    else if (k == 20)
                                                        this.Label4.Text = "ข";
                                                    else if (k == 21)
                                                        this.Label4.Text = "ค";
                                                    else if (k == 22)
                                                        this.Label4.Text = "ง";
                                                    else if (k == 23)
                                                        this.Label4.Text = "จ";
                                                    else { }
                                        if (i >= 1 && i <= 20)
                                            if (i >= 1 && i <= 9)
                                                string ii = "0" + i;
                                                sql_ka = "INSERT INTO key_answer1 (number,ans,id_key,id_st) " +
                                                       " VALUES " +
                                                       " ('" + ii + "','" + this.Label1.Text + "','" + numm1 + "','" + numm + "')";
                                                objCmd1 = new SqlCommand();
                                                objCmd1.Connection = objConn;
                                                objCmd1.CommandText = sql_ka;
                                                objCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                                                    this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record Inserted";
                                                    this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                                    this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record can not insert Error (" + ex.Message + ")";
                                                //this.Label5.Text = this.Label5.Text + sql_st + "<br />";
                                                sql_ka = "INSERT INTO key_answer1 (number,ans,id_key,id_st) " +
                                                       " VALUES " +
                                                       " ('" + i + "','" + this.Label1.Text + "','" + numm1 + "','" + numm + "')";
                                                objCmd1 = new SqlCommand();
                                                objCmd1.Connection = objConn;
                                                objCmd1.CommandText = sql_ka;
                                                objCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                                                    this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record Inserted";
                                                    this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                                    this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record can not insert Error (" + ex.Message + ")";
                                                //this.Label5.Text = this.Label5.Text + sql_st + "<br />";
                                        if (i >= 21 && i <= 40)
                                            sql_ka = "INSERT INTO key_answer1 (number,ans,id_key,id_st) " +
                                                    " VALUES " +
                                                    " ('" + i + "','" + this.Label2.Text + "','" + numm1 + "','" + numm + "')";

                                            objCmd1 = new SqlCommand();
                                            objCmd1.Connection = objConn;
                                            objCmd1.CommandText = sql_ka;
                                            objCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                                                this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record Inserted";
                                                this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                                this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record can not insert Error (" + ex.Message + ")";
                                            //this.Label5.Text = this.Label5.Text + sql_st + "<br />";
                                        if (i >= 41 && i <= 60)
                                            sql_ka = "INSERT INTO key_answer1 (number,ans,id_key,id_st) " +
                                                   " VALUES " +
                                                   " ('" + i + "','" + this.Label3.Text + "','" + numm1 + "','" + numm + "')";
                                            objCmd1 = new SqlCommand();
                                            objCmd1.Connection = objConn;
                                            objCmd1.CommandText = sql_ka;
                                            objCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                                                this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record Inserted";
                                                this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                                this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record can not insert Error (" + ex.Message + ")";
                                            //this.Label5.Text = this.Label5.Text + sql_st + "<br />";
                                        if (i >= 61 && i <= 80)
                                            sql_ka = "INSERT INTO key_answer1 (number,ans,id_key,id_st) " +
                                                   " VALUES " +
                                                   " ('" + i + "','" + this.Label4.Text + "','" + numm1 + "','" + numm + "')";
                                            objCmd1 = new SqlCommand();
                                            objCmd1.Connection = objConn;
                                            objCmd1.CommandText = sql_ka;
                                            objCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                                                this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record Inserted";
                                                this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                this.lblStatus1.Visible = true;
                                                this.lblStatus1.Text = "Record can not insert Error (" + ex.Message + ")";
                                            //this.Label5.Text = this.Label5.Text + sql_st + "<br />";
            this.Label5.Text = "กรุณาตรวจสอบข้อมูลใหม่";

       /* newimage1 = newimage;
        newimage1.Save(Server.MapPath(file), ImageFormat.Jpeg);
        //this.img.ImageUrl = file;*/

        string idcourse = this.lblID_course.Text;
        string sec = this.lblSection.Text;
        string term = this.lblterm.Text;
        string term_year = this.lblterm_year.Text;
    void Page_UnLoad()
        objConn = null;

    void upload(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.Image1.ImageUrl = this.flKey.FileName;

    void uninsert(object sender, EventArgs e)

<head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <title>Untitled Page</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <b>จัดการสอบ</b><br />
    รหัสวิชา <asp:Label ID="lblID_course" runat="server" />
    วิชา <asp:Label ID="lblName_course" runat="server" /> Section.<asp:Label ID="lblSection" runat="server" /><br />
    ภาคเรียนที่ <asp:Label ID="lblterm" runat="server" />/<asp:Label ID="lblterm_year" runat="server" />
       <br /><br />
       <asp:HiddenField ID="hdCode_course" runat="server" />
       <table border="0" runat="server">
            <td> : </td>
            <td><asp:TextBox ID="tbTest" runat="server" /></td>
            <td> : </td>
              <asp:FileUpload ID="flKey" runat="server" OnPreRender="upload" />
               <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" />
        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="ตกลง" OnClick="insert" />
        <asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="ยกเลิก" OnClick="uninsert" />
        <asp:Label ID="Label8" runat="server" />
        <asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" />    
        <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" />   
        <asp:Label id="lblStatus" runat="server" visible="False"></asp:Label>  
        <asp:Label id="lblStatus2" runat="server" visible="False"></asp:Label>
        <asp:Label id="lblStatus1" runat="server" visible="False"></asp:Label> 
        <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" />
        <asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" />
        <asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" />
        <asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" />
        <asp:Label ID="Label7" runat="server" />

แสดงความคิดเห็นโดยอ้างถึง ความคิดเห็นนี้
Date : 2012-03-26 21:57:08 By : gigclubbeer




Re : ASP.NET C# เมื่อกดที่ปุ่ม browse แล้วแสดงภาพทีเลือกไว้
ตัวหนา ตัวเอียง ตัวขีดเส้นใต้ ตัวมีขีดกลาง| ตัวเรืองแสง ตัวมีเงา ตัวอักษรวิ่ง| จัดย่อหน้าอิสระ จัดย่อหน้าชิดซ้าย จัดย่อหน้ากึ่งกลาง จัดย่อหน้าชิดขวา| เส้นขวาง| ขนาดตัวอักษร แบบตัวอักษร
ใส่แฟลช ใส่รูป ใส่ไฮเปอร์ลิ้งค์ ใส่อีเมล์ ใส่ลิ้งค์ FTP| ใส่แถวของตาราง ใส่คอลัมน์ตาราง| ตัวยก ตัวห้อย ตัวพิมพ์ดีด| ใส่โค้ด ใส่การอ้างถึงคำพูด| ใส่ลีสต์
smiley for :lol: smiley for :ken: smiley for :D smiley for :) smiley for ;) smiley for :eek: smiley for :geek: smiley for :roll: smiley for :erm: smiley for :cool: smiley for :blank: smiley for :idea: smiley for :ehh: smiley for :aargh: smiley for :evil:
Insert PHP Code
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Insert Code
เพื่อความเรียบร้อยของข้อความ ควรจัดรูปแบบให้พอดีกับขนาดของหน้าจอ เพื่อง่ายต่อการอ่านและสบายตา และตรวจสอบภาษาไทยให้ถูกต้อง



เพื่อความปลอดภัยของเว็บบอร์ด ไม่อนุญาติให้แทรก แท็ก [img]....[/img] โดยการอัพโหลดไฟล์รูปจากที่อื่น เช่นเว็บไซต์ ฟรีอัพโหลดต่าง ๆ
อัพโหลดแทรกรูปภาพ ให้ใช้บริการอัพโหลดไฟล์ของไทยครีเอท และตัดรูปภาพให้พอดีกับสกรีน เพื่อความโหลดเร็วและไฟล์ไม่ถูกลบทิ้ง

  เพื่อความปลอดภัยและการตรวจสอบ กระทู้ที่แทรกไฟล์อัพโหลดไฟล์จากที่อื่น อาจจะถูกลบทิ้ง
<= ตัวเลขฮินดูอารบิก เช่น 123 (หรือล็อกอินเข้าระบบสมาชิกเพื่อไม่ต้องกรอก)

Exchange: นำเข้าสินค้าจากจีน, Taobao, เฟอร์นิเจอร์, ของพรีเมี่ยม, ร่ม, ปากกา, power bank, แฟลชไดร์ฟ, กระบอกน้ำ

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