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jQery Cascading dropdown list / select menu (Dependent Dropdown list)

jQuery cascading dropdown list "Dependent Dropdown list"

This code written by Nautilus.

- url
    A string containing the URL to which the request is sent.
    Default: "json.php?val="

- parent
    Parent drop down list.
    Default: null

- child
    Child drop down list.
    Default: null

- initialText
    Set initial text in option.
    Deafault: "-- Please Select --"

- selectedOption
    Set selected option of dropdown list.
    Default: "-1"
- waitMsg
    The message and indicator display before server sent respons.
    Default: "Loading..."
- loadingImg
    Set loading image.
    Default: "images/loading4.gif"

- disabled
    True -> set disable dropdownlist while dropdown list value is -1.
    Default: true

How to Use.
    Parte 1 - Setup

    jquery cascading plugin uses the jquery JavaScript library, only. So, include just these two javascript files in your header.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.cascading.min.js"></script>

    Include the CSS file responsible to style the jquery cascading plugin.
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css">

Part 2 - Activate
    See some examples:
        $("#model").cascading( { parent:"#brand", child: ["#model_des", "#model_det", "#model_dett"] } );
        $("#model_des").cascading( { parent:"#model", child: ["#model_det", "#model_dett"] } );
        $("#model_det").cascading( { parent:"#model_des", child: "#model_dett" } );
        $("#model_dett").cascading( { parent:"#model_det" } );

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Cascading dropdown car model</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.cascading.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Specify a function to execute when the DOM is fully loaded.
    $("#model").cascading( { parent:"#brand", child: ["#model_des", "#model_det", "#model_dett"] } );
    $("#model_des").cascading( { parent:"#model", child: ["#model_det", "#model_dett"] } );
    $("#model_det").cascading( { parent:"#model_des", child: "#model_dett" } );
    $("#model_dett").cascading( { parent:"#model_det" } );



    <div id="stylized" class="myform">
        <form id="form" name="form" method="post" action="">
            <h1>Cascading dropdown with jQuery</h1>
            <p>This code wrote by Nautilus.</p>

            <span class="small">Select Brand</span>
            <select id="brand" name="brand">
                <option value="-1"> -- Please Select -- </option>
                    $brand = array(
                        'honda'  => 'HONDA', 
                        'toyota' => 'TOYOTA', 
                        'mazda'  => 'MAZDA',
                        'bmw'    => 'BMW'
                    foreach ($brand as $k => $v ) {
                        echo '<option value="',$k, '">', $v, '</option>';

            <span class="small">Select Model</span>
            <select id="model" name="model" disabled="disabled">
                <option value="-1"> -- Please Select -- </option>

            <label>Model Description
            <span class="small">Select Model Description</span>
            <select id="model_des" name="model_des" disabled="disabled">
                <option value="-1"> -- Please Select -- </option>

            <label>Model detail
            <span class="small">Select Model detail</span>
            <select id="model_det" name="model_det" disabled="disabled">
                <option value="-1"> -- Please Select -- </option>

            <label>Model detail tt
            <span class="small">Select Model detail tt</span>
            <select id="model_dett" name="model_dett" disabled="disabled">
                <option value="-1"> -- Please Select -- </option>

            <button type="submit" name="submit">Submit</button>
            <div class="spacer"></div>

            if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                echo '<span>Brand: ', $_POST['brand'], '</span><br />';
                echo '<span>Model: ', $_POST['model'], '</span><br />';
                echo '<span>Model_des: ', $_POST['model_des'], '</span><br />';
                echo '<span>Model_det: ', $_POST['model_det'], '</span><br />';
                echo '<span>Model_dett: ', $_POST['model_dett'], '</span><br />';


 * jQuery jqcascading Plugin
 * Narong Rammanee
 * [email protected]
 * Latest Release: April 2012

(function ($) {
    // Cascading methods.
    var cascading = {
        init : function (options) {
            return this.each(function () {
                var self, settings;
                self = $(this);                                 // Self dropdown list.
                settings = $.extend({
                    url            : "json.php?val=",     // Set URL.
                    parent         : null,                      // Parent dropdown list.
                    child          : null,                      // Set child.
                    initialText    : "-- Please Select --",     // Set initial text in option.
                    selectedOption : "-1",                      // Set selected option.
                    waitMsg        : "Loading...",              // Set wait message.
                    loadingImg     : "images/loading4.gif",     // Set loading image.
                    disabled       : true                       // Set disabled dropdown list.
                }, options);
                $(settings.parent).bind('change', function () {
                    // Call method chage when dropdown list is changed.
                    cascading.change(self, settings);
        change : function (self, settings) {
            var parent, url, defaultOption, selectedOption, child, waitMsg, 
                disabled, loadingImg, parentValue, wait, loading;
            parent = $(settings.parent);
            if (parent) {
                url            = settings.url;
                selectedOption = settings.selectedOption;
                child          = settings.child;
                waitMsg        = settings.waitMsg;
                initialText    = settings.initialText
                disabled       = settings.disabled;
                loadingImg     = settings.loadingImg;
                parentValue    = parent.val();              // Get parent value.
                wait           = $("<em />");               // Create em element contain loading.
                loading        = $("<img />").attr({ src: loadingImg, alt: waitMsg });   //Set loading image.
                newOption      = $("<option></option>");    // Create new option
                defaultOption  = newOption.val("-1").text(initialText);   // Set default option.
                    type: "GET",
                    dataType: "json",
                    url: url + parentValue + '&self=' + self.attr('id'),
                    beforeSend: function () {
                        // Show loading image & message
                    success: function (json) {
                        // Set default option & disabled dropdown list.
                            .removeAttr("disabled", "disabled");
                        if (json) {
                            // Loop json object.
                            $.each(json, function (value, text) {
                                // Append option to dropdown list.
                        // Remove waiting image & message 
                        // Set selected option
                        if (selectedOption != "-1") {
                        // Disabled self dropdown list.
                        if (disabled && parentValue == "-1") {
                            self.attr("disabled", "disabled");
                        // Reset chain
                        cascading.resetChain(defaultOption, child, disabled);
        resetChain : function (defaultOption, child, disabled) {
            // If child is null.
            if (!child) {
            // If child is object.
            if (typeof child === "object") {
                // Loop disabled child dropdown list.
                $.each(child, function (index, value) {
                    if (disabled) {
                        $(value).attr("disabled", "disabled");
            } else {
                if (disabled) {
                    $(child).attr("disabled", "disabled");
    $.fn.cascading = function () {
        return cascading.init.apply(this, arguments);


 * Json cascading Plugin
 * Narong Rammanee
 * [email protected]
 * Latest Release: April 2012

// Self dropdown list.
$self = isset($_GET['self']) ? $_GET['self'] : '';
$data = array();
switch($self) {
    case 'model':
        $brand = isset($_GET['val']) ? $_GET['val'] : '';
        $model = array(
            'honda' => array('accord' => 'ACCORD', 'civic' => 'CVIC'),
            'mazda' => array('mazda_2' => 'mazda 2', 'mazda_3' => 'mazda 3'),
            'toyota' => array('camry' => 'CAMRY', 'altis' => 'ALTIS')
        $data = $model[$brand];
    case 'model_des':
        $model = isset($_GET['val']) ? $_GET['val'] : '';
        $model_des = array(
            'accord' => array(
                '2.0 I-VTEC E', '2.0 I-VTEC E White', '2.0 I-VTEC EL', '2.0 I-VTEC EL E White',
                '2.0 I-VTEC EL NAVI', '2.0 I-VTEC EL NAVI', '2.4 I-VTEC EL', '2.4 I-VTEC EL White', 
                '2.4 I-VTEC EL NAVI', '2.4 I-VTEC EL NVI White', '3.6 I-VTEC V6', '3.6 I-VTEC V6 White'
            'civic' => array(
                '1.8 I-VTEC E AT (AS)', '1.8 I-VTEC S MT', '1.8 I-VTEC S AT', 
                '1.8 I-VTEC S AT (AS)', '1.8 I-VTEC E AT (AS)', '1.8 I-VTEC E AT', 
                '1.8 I-VTEC (AS) NAVI', '2.0 I-VTEC EL AT(AS)', '2.0 I-VTEC EL AT(AS)', 
                '2.0 I-VTEC NAVI'
            'mazda_2' => array('Mazda 2 Elegance', ' Mazda 2 Sports'),
            'mazda_3' => array('Mazda 3'),
            'camry' => array('2.5 HV Navigator', '2.5 HV DVD', '2.5 HV CD', '2.5G', '2.0G'),
            'altis' => array(
                '2.0V Navi A/T', '2.0V A/T', '2.0G A/T', '1.8G A/T', '1.8E A/T', 
                '1.8E 50th Anniversary', '1.6G A/T', '1.6E CNG A/T', '1.6E A/T',
                '1.6J A/T', '1.6J M/T', '1.6 CNG M/T'
        $data = $model_des[$model];
    case 'model_det':
        $model_des = isset($_GET['val']) ? $_GET['val'] : '';
        $model_det = array(array('det_aa','det_bb'),array('det_yy', 'det_zz'));
        $data = $model_det[$model_des];
    case 'model_dett':
        $model_det = isset($_GET['val']) ? $_GET['val'] : '';
        $model_dett = array(array('dett_aa','dett_bb'),array('dett_yy', 'dat_zz'));
        $data = $model_dett[$model_det];
// Print the JSON representation of a value
echo json_encode($data);


  By : ranarong
  Article : บทความเป็นการเขียนโดยสมาชิก หากมีปัญหาเรื่องลิขสิทธิ์ กรุณาแจ้งให้ทาง webmaster ทราบด้วยครับ
  Score Rating :
  Create Date : 2012-04-07
  Download : Download  jQery Cascading dropdown list / select menu (Dependent Dropdown list) (0.0404 MB)
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