(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2)
spl_autoload_register — Register given function as __autoload() implementation
bool spl_autoload_register
callback $autoload_function
] )
If your code has an existing __autoload function then this function must
be explicitly registered on the __autoload stack. This is because
spl_autoload_register() will effectively replace the engine cache for
the __autoload function by either spl_autoload() or spl_autoload_call().
The autoload function being registered.
If no parameter is provided, then the default implementation of
spl_autoload() will be registered.
Return Values
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
Example #1 spl_autoload_register() example
namespace Foobar;
class Foo {
static public function test($name) {
print '[['. $name .']]';
spl_autoload_register(__NAMESPACE__ .'::Foo::test'); // As of PHP 5.3.0
new InexistentClass;
The above example will output
something similar to:
Fatal error: Class 'Foobar::InexistentClass' not found in ...