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HOME > PHP Manual > Math Functions



Math Functions

Table of Contents

  • abs — Absolute value
  • acos — Arc cosine
  • acosh — Inverse hyperbolic cosine
  • asin — Arc sine
  • asinh — Inverse hyperbolic sine
  • atan2 — Arc tangent of two variables
  • atan — Arc tangent
  • atanh — Inverse hyperbolic tangent
  • base_convert — Convert a number between arbitrary bases
  • bindec — Binary to decimal
  • ceil — Round fractions up
  • cos — Cosine
  • cosh — Hyperbolic cosine
  • decbin — Decimal to binary
  • dechex — Decimal to hexadecimal
  • decoct — Decimal to octal
  • deg2rad — Converts the number in degrees to the radian equivalent
  • exp — Calculates the exponent of e
  • expm1 — Returns exp(number) - 1, computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero
  • floor — Round fractions down
  • fmod — Returns the floating point remainder (modulo) of the division of the arguments
  • getrandmax — Show largest possible random value
  • hexdec — Hexadecimal to decimal
  • hypot — Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle
  • is_finite — Finds whether a value is a legal finite number
  • is_infinite — Finds whether a value is infinite
  • is_nan — Finds whether a value is not a number
  • lcg_value — Combined linear congruential generator
  • log10 — Base-10 logarithm
  • log1p — Returns log(1 + number), computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero
  • log — Natural logarithm
  • max — Find highest value
  • min — Find lowest value
  • mt_getrandmax — Show largest possible random value
  • mt_rand — Generate a better random value
  • mt_srand — Seed the better random number generator
  • octdec — Octal to decimal
  • pi — Get value of pi
  • pow — Exponential expression
  • rad2deg — Converts the radian number to the equivalent number in degrees
  • rand — Generate a random integer
  • round — Rounds a float
  • sin — Sine
  • sinh — Hyperbolic sine
  • sqrt — Square root
  • srand — Seed the random number generator
  • tan — Tangent
  • tanh — Hyperbolic tangent

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